Samuel Lanthis Horne

Samuel Lanthis, born 25 Oct 1879, was the son of Edmond Green Horne and Laura Elizabeth Wright Horne.  

Sam's wife, Elmira Jane "Ellie" Tanner, born 19 Jul 1875, was the daughter of James Thomas Tanner and Alice J Sluschus, the spelling "Sluschus" continues to be a mystery, death certifiCate info provided by her son G W Tanner...searches on name have not provided any family members. Some members of the family have pronounced it "Switzer" or "Schulzer"

Sam and Ellie married on 20 Nov 1896 in Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas.  

Ellie passed away 8 Sep 1903 at age 28 (she died in childbirth). Sam died 5 Jan 1955 at age 85.  Ellie and infant are buried at Marten Church Cemetery in Goforth, Hays, Texas. Sam is buried at Mexia Memorial Cemetery in Groesbeck, Limestone, Texas

They were the parents of 4 children, an infant died at birth:

Mary, Lizzie and Jim

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